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Well this is last minute but this is my submission to the bmp bacchikoi fan art contest that ends tomorrow. Now im not saying just blindly vote for me, but im honestly getting pissed certain works are getting more votes than mine. Believe me Im not condescending about this. If u looked on facebook and just compared some of the works, you know what im talking about. So search black monkey pro on fb and vote. Itsannoying when people resort to getting their followers to vote for them. And ill be the first to say, i could have done this picture a lot better.

De mikkoukun - Source


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I saw this cute animation of Lance wearing light up shoes and I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. It's something I can see happening and that's just so cute ;; 
I also made it into a little animation - it's on my tumblr allyssei.tumblr.com/post/16805…


De http://fudzia.deviantart.com - Source


Lance and Blue

My baby boy taking selfies with his kitty ♥

I still can't draw cats ugh 


De http://fudzia.deviantart.com - Source


Mew Ichigo

Look! I posted something! And I'm kinda back? I'm still thinking about it. Right now I will post from time to time and we will see ay. c:

for now enjoy a little fanart from my first anime ever - Tokyo Mew Mew ♥


De http://fudzia.deviantart.com - Source

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